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Hello Family and Friends,

As most of you know the summer before Cate's senior year she traveled to India with her youth group. The trip had a huge impact in her life that we plan to go back this August. This time around she is not going with the 60 kids but it's just going to be the two of us. We have been talking back and forth with Rosie, the woman who runs the orphanage, and she asked that we bring items like stickers, candy, chocolate, sparkle pens (for writing letters), markers, or crafts, balloons, jump ropes. It would be a huge help if you could donate some of these items to help us get all of them to give to the kids.


We are so grateful for everyone who donated and everyone who will checking the site when we are abroad! We know the kids will be so excited and grateful to have all of these amazing gifts that we are bringing over, with your help!

With All Your Help We Are Able To Fill THREE WHOLE SUITCASES!!!!!


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