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Blues Baseball

I was on the Promotional Team for the San Luis Obispo Blues Baseball Team. I learned the different aspects of how the baseball game is run from behind the scenes. Every series I would rotate positions.



At the end of the 3rd inning is our Golf promotion. Each game a different player will try and hit a golfball onto the green or in the hole. If they do a fan will win a gift card for a round of golf.

Dizzy Bat

At the end of the 4th inning is the Dizzy Bat race. Two people will spin on a bat and then run around the bases.



Tennis Ball Toss

At the end of the 5th inning is the Tennis Ball Toss. Fans throw tennis balls, purchased at the program cart. They try to get it over the netting and into the bucket. If they make it in the get a season pass to the Blues games. If no one gets it in, the one closest one gets a gift card.

Blues Derby

Behind the fence

In front the fence

At the end of the 6th inning is the Blues Derby. Holding horses up on sticks interns run behind the fence. The color that wins determines which color sticker on the programs gets the Blue Scores, You Score pricing. The black horse means that everyone with a program wins.

Footloose Frenzy

At the end of the 7th inning is the Footloose Frenzy. Interns gather the kids shoes in buckets and throw them out near second base. Kids line up on the third base line and run put both shoes on and run back. First girl and boy to cross the line get a prize.

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All photos on site were taken by Cate Goodman

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