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InDesign Newspaper Clone

Project 3.jpg



Find a newspaper front page and clone it using Adobe InDesign. You will be graded on how well your version matches the original layout; the content (text, photos and graphics) can be anything of your choosing.


I really liked this assignment. I’ve used InDesign for a lot of class projects to create magazine and newspaper spreads. Using the bounding box tool I laid out before where the text and graphics should go. I would switch between the mode with the guides and without so I could see where the bounding boxes end and then change it to see how it would look when it was printed. Also, turning on and off the layer with the original newspaper so I can see where it matches and doesn’t and how it looks on its own. I tried different fonts to find the fonts that match the ones on the newspaper and messing with the kerning and tracking to make it match. I used the Adobe Fonts image search to try and find fonts that match or look the closest to the fonts on the page. I used justification as well to make sure the alignment is perfect on each side. I realized how newspaper designs can be simple yet look really complex and flow well. This project has really helped me get an idea of newspaper designs. I have never thought about it before and this project has given me a chance to practice.

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