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GRC 318

Digital Typography for Web and Print

Application of typography using current software tools for print and digital publishing. In-depth study of communication principles and visual organization using current software for the creative publishing industries.

Project 1 - Tech Paper

Took an article relating to typography and created a visually appealing article design with text and images. Used InDesign for this project.

Cate Goodman 318 Tech Paper_Page_1.jpg
Cate Goodman 318 Tech Paper_Page_3.jpg
Cate Goodman 318 Tech Paper_Page_2.jpg
Cate Goodman 318 Tech Paper_Page_4.jpg

Project 2A - Resume

Created a Resume using InDesign

Cate Goodman Resume.jpg

Project 2B - Personal Identity

Designed a cover letter, business car, and envelope for my Personal Identity using Illustrator and InDesign

envelope cover letters_Page_1.jpg
envelope back.jpg
Letterhead Idea 1.png

Project 4 - Recipe Pages

With Illustrator and InDesign I made recipe pages for a recipe I found online. I took all the photos myself.

Cate Goodman Recipe.jpg
Cate Goodman Recipe2.jpg
Cate Goodman Recipe3.jpg
Cate Goodman Recipe4.jpg
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All photos on site were taken by Cate Goodman

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